About Stay Grazia (English)
About Stay Grazia
Stay Grazia is an accommodation space operated by photographer Kim Byeong-geon.
Drawing inspiration from the various accommodations he has stayed in while traveling around the world in search of
landscapes to capture in his photographs, he has created a space that reflects his artistic sensibilities.
Nestled deep within the Hyeongjeong Valley in Bongpyeong, Gangwon Province, known for its clear waters,
Grazia is a cozy and comfortable place to stay.
문의 및 예약 010-5206-3077
이메일 문의 staygrazia@naver.com
사업자등록번호 420-51-00701
강원도 평창군 봉평면 흥정계곡4길 197-1
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About Stay Grazia
Stay Grazia is an accommodation space operated by photographer Kim Byeong-geon.
Drawing inspiration from the various accommodations he has stayed in while traveling around the world in search of
landscapes to capture in his photographs, he has created a space that reflects his artistic sensibilities.
Nestled deep within the Hyeongjeong Valley in Bongpyeong, Gangwon Province, known for its clear waters,
Grazia is a cozy and comfortable place to stay.